
This is the personal website of xrdrsp. Posts (in the form of an article, see also Archives) and audios are included in the website at present. The frequency of updating is unpredictable. All the contents are NOT worth reading or listening to up to now. In the future, a broader range of topics or forms may be involved. Some more recordings of my piano performance which I think is worth making public may in the future be uploaded here, while some details are still under consideration.

Due to my English level, some of the posts may be written in Simplified Chinese or in both languages, Simplified Chinese and English. Occasionally, correctness in posts in English could be compromised, nor can clarity sometimes. Apart from these, there may exist sorts of other inaccuracies on this website, and please always feel free to report any discrepancies you come across. I also recommend that you AT xrdrsp when opening issues, pull requests, or discussions if possible in order to get my attention.

You can directly provide your feedback to xrdrsp via emails or through any other ways. Also, you may use Cusdis to leave comments in the Discussion Board. The topics of comments are not circumscribed.

This website was set up on 31-01-2020. The present version of this website was first published on 01-11-2020. Previously, I utilized several other blog addresses with public posts, all of which are deemed expired unless specified otherwise. For the posts that have been migrated to this website, those on this website should take precedence. I also used some blogging systems, such as Hexo, and Wordpress.

Technical Remarks

This blog is currently using the Untitled Theme by Dovuq and me.

Computer Modern and PingFang SC are used as the main typefaces. See also theme.css.

Cusdis is used as the commenting system which is displayed in the Discussion Board.

To show mathematic equations written in $\LaTeX$, I embedded MathJax 2.7.9. See also head.html.

The formatting of the date & time is DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS. To take one example, 20-11-2006 11:40:00 represents November 20th, 11:40:00 in year 2006.


All non-reproduced contents are licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) licence unless stating additionally.

About Me

For the Chinese (zh-CN) translation of this part, click here.

I am a student. I study in a high school.

Email  "xrdrsp#gmail.com".replace("#", "@");
"xrdrsp#163.com".replace("#", "@");
Telephone  +86-574-8306-5412
GitHub  @xrdrsp
QQ  2041375993

P. S. Generally the most efficient way to contact me is via email. Please feel free to drop me a line. For urgent matters, I recommend that you CC the 163mail address; otherwise, using the Gmail address alone is sufficient.

P. P. S. Please note that I may not be available by telephone most of the time. It would be more possible to get in touch with me if a call is made between 13:40 and 14:10 UTC, Sunday — Thursday.